Saturday, August 16, 2008

Vacation is NOW over...

because our air conditioner is broken...our relaxed smiles quickly turned to frowns as the house got a bit warmer...

We should have been prepared for this but our savings are now dwindling thanks to being a bit over budget from the lake...

We called for a technician, but being Saturday, they can't come out until Monday. (Good thing it's mild outside and not too hot!)

We are on pins and needles because when we went to open doors and windows, we found some rotted wood. (Needs to be replaced)..AND all three of our vehicles need inspections.

Welcome home, right? Geez.


Anonymous said...

Aaaah!! Home, sweet... ho..

Oh bugger all that, I need a vacation!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Really hope it all works out without too much cost!

Canadian Saver said...

Oh not good Sharon :-( Definitely not a good way to end vacation. Hope it's nothing major!!

letterstoelijah said...

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.. that just sucks!

Annie Jones said...

How's that for a reality check? Hope you're able to take care of it all without it costing an arm and a leg.