Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I'm helping the economy.....

well, at least this past weekend, anyway! I've been busy visiting my daughters at their colleges. Saturday I went to my oldest daughter. She is graduating this year and will be renting a townhome to finish her teaching certificate next semester. We had a great time, hanging out, having lunch and buying our "last" college sweatshirts and T-Shirts! :)

The next day, my whole family trekked two hours to my other daughter's college. It's was her birthday, so we went out to celebrate. A balloon, a store cake, and all her presents and we were set to go. I asked my daughter where she wanted to go to lunch, and she suggested a "rib" place. She chose a college hangout, cause she said they had the best ribs. Um, well, maybe for college students who aren't used to getting good food. ...Needless to say we spent WAY TOO MUCH MONEY on lunch, especially since no one ate anything...well, except my daughter...

But, all in all, it was a good day. We came home exhausted, but first stopped at McDonalds for my daughter and son who ate nothing at the great "college rib place".

Grand total for the weekend? Alot. I haven't added it up, but between eating out, gas, gifts, and college accessories etc. I ended up transferring $$$ from savings. (I do have to stop doing that....)

I'll be happy when April, and the birthdays...are finally over.


Denise Mall said...

I think what you all rec'd in return makes the time - priceless.

It's only money, when it comes to family.

Be happy you got this time. It's wonderful!

Sharon said...

So true!! And I am very blessed to have such a wonderful family...I definitely know that! :)

Canadian Saver said...

I was wondering where you were... sounds like you had a wonderful time... don't worry so much about the dollars spent if you could afford it :-)