Gas fill ups in both cars $80.00; Subway for lunch $5.32; Soda and snack at work: $2.25; Chinese Food for dinner: $40.00. (We had enough chinese food left over for lunch for the next two days, so does that justify it? :)
1 year ago
I like the idea of justifying the spending with leftovers! lol! Works for me - because we went out to dinner last night too, and we also have plenty of leftovers for the weekend!:)
Great cartoon!!
I hope you enjoyed your Chinese food... I haven't been in a while but I'm craving it. We always get more than enough for 1 if not 2 extra meals too... yum!
The chinese food was good, and two of my kids had it for lunch today. There is still enough for one more lunch. Not bad!
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