I got my wish. It is snowing today and it is absolutely gorgeous! There was nothing on the ground this morning so the kids are still in school. We were only suppose to get an inch and then it was to turn to rain....but it's still snowing and there is about 3 inches of wet beautiful snow on the ground....
Now, for those of you who have been battling this kind of weather for a while are probably sick of it, but for me, I will enjoy it while it lasts. Hopefully my husband won't have too hard a time getting home from DC. It's the kind of day that I will turn on the fire, (it's gas), find a great book to read and curl up on a chair. Finally.
1 year ago
I'm glad you finally got your wish :-) It really is magical, I agree. Hope your DH got back safely!!!
Hubby got home early, just as the snow turned to rain. This morning everything is a sheet of ice. Schools have a two hour delay. It's still pretty and we are expecting more on Saturday.
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