Friday, December 12, 2008

15 lbs and counting....

A great weigh in this week and I'm down 15 lbs! Only 11 more to go....


CT Mom said...

Good for you! I gained 4 lbs during our very short Disney trip. It's amazing how quickly you can put it on and how long it takes to lose it :-)

Canadian Saver said...

Congratulations, Sharon!!! You don't have that much left :-)

jpkittie said...

congrats! that is amazing! how are you doing it? food/working out?

keep it up :)

Grace. said...

Dieting during Christmas--my personal definition of insanity. But congratulations on the loss and may the rest come off as easily.

RTC said...

15 pounds--fantastic! I'll be happy just to not gain any over the holidays--then the new year. Maybe a workout/weight goal then..