The calm...having all of my consumer debt paid off....
The storm...the orthodontist charging 4700.00 for a year of braces...
1 year ago
"Do not strive for money or things as your passion. It's people and your relationships with people that you should be passionate about".
The calm...having all of my consumer debt paid off....
The storm...the orthodontist charging 4700.00 for a year of braces...
Posted by
3:05 PM
Uh oh... sorry about that :-( Doesn't insurance cover it at all?
I think our dental insurance will only cover $1000 of it. There is a payment plan with no interest charged, so I think that's the way we will go.
Ouch - but at least, on the bright side, you can budget for it, and don't have the cc debt hanging over your head. We got hit similarly when we were almost out of cc debt, and then had to get tutoring for our older daughter. Sylvan cost us $6K, on a cc of course, and set us back that much more in trying to get out of debt. Luckily, the tutoring was a success and she's doing much better. So, when you see your child's straight teeth and lovely smile, you'll see it was all worth it. Painful, but worth it!
Oh definitely use the no interest payment plan!! And the $1,000 covered is better than nothing... it still sucks, doesn't it??
We will not put this on a cc, but we will have to come up with 1700.00 in the next 4 months. So while I had visions of new spring clothes in my head, I'll have to wait...:)
I think the payment plan is the better option too.
We are going through the same thing. We also decided to spread the payments out instead of paying in full up front - mostly because I think this will give us more flexibility (if we wanted or needed to change orthodontists, for example). It is a big expense though.
Hi Sharon,
Sorry to hear this! at least your child will thank you LOL! and yeah at least you don't have credit card debt like we do.
I love your golden retriever, our golden girl is turning 2 this year, she's the perfect dog, I have no complains... I'm amazed at this breed!!
Thanks! We LOVE Ben. We had a girl golden for fourteen years. She was so much part of our family, that it was very hard to let her go. 14 years is a long time for a golden. I think she held on because she didn't want us to feel bad! Goldens are great family members. Ben is 11 mos. and as sweet as can be! Thanks for visiting!!
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