Yesterday my husband went out to our cable company and picked up a DVR. I had resisted this form of technology for a while (it was another monthly payment I didn't want to have) , and as I had my trusty VHS for taping, I didn't need it, that is, until it broke. Last night we were going out, but I wanted to tape Suze Orman, but I had no way of doing it. So my husband suggested that we rent the DVR from the cable company. For $9.95 a month. Hmmmm. How much is TiVO to purchase? We didn't want to just run out and buy TiVo before we thoroughly researched it, so we decided to take advantage of 3 mos of free DVR use from the cable company.
I LOVE DVR! After my husband installed the new box, we ended up getting about 100 more stations along with the cool little directory when you change channels. No more guessing what you are watching. AND, Suze was taped! I could whip through the commercials with extra fast forward...I can't believe we have not gotten this earlier. I'm canceling NetFlix for a while, to make up for this new purchase...although I'll owe nothing for three months.
So as I sit here on my couch, with a heating pad behind my back because somehow I hurt it, I'm blogging and watching Suze...without the commercials....
Jon and Kate gets taped for tomorrow!
I LOVE Technology....
1 year ago
Definitely high tech now! Glad it's working so well for you guys :-) That's amazing that you are getting so many new channels too! We got some new ones with the High Definition preview too...
Hope your back feels better soon!
I can not live without my DVR. I'd rather have 30 channels with DVR than 200 without it. I am never around to watch the shows I love so taping is the next best thing, plus the fact you can fastforward through commercials which saves time...
I love our DVR! It's so bad, we have 2 - we got them set up through Dish. I have my favorites; Hubby has his, plus we tape movies. The kids are not allowed access to the DVR unless we've taped something special for them. We're so spoiled - we hate commercials and are bummed when we are stuck on live TV. How sick are we :-)
I heart DVRs. I REALLY want one, but not for a while. Besides, it really does not pay to have one when you just have basic cable (which is free with my rent).
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