Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Book Tag...

Wow! I was reading some of my bloggers sites and I found out I was tagged for a book meme. Well, I'm game!

The Rules
Pick up the nearest book of at least 123 pages..(I'm in my basement where we keep the computer, so I had to go to a bookshelf and pulled "I could do Anything if I only Knew What it Was", by Barbara Sher
Open the book to page 123
Find the 5th sentence
Post the next 3 sentences...

Here goes:
Your feelings.
Do me a favor: Don't put on a happy face. When you feel rotten, admit it, don't try to brainwash yourself out of it.
This came after a subtitle called "How to Lower Your Stress Level".....I haven't read this book at all, I think I may start! Thanks Wealthy.1 for tagging me! This was fun! I'm going to tag....

Saving 4 later
CT Mom

Have fun!


wealthy_1 said...

You're welcome! I thought it was fun too! I love being tagged for memes!

CT Mom said...

Tag - I'm it! Check out my book ... this was a really neat meme to do ...