Couldn't wait until this weekend to find out whether we will owe big time on our taxes. I just finished them, although I may have minor additions/deletions from latecoming information from charitable foundations and interest bearing accounts. Outcome: We will OWE Federal taxes but we will GET A REFUND from State. This will end up costing us $74.00. (as one cancels out the other). Not bad, when I thought I would be dishing out $1200.00 to the IRS. Part of the reason we owe this year is my salary. I make so little that they don't take very much out of my check. But my small income and my husband's income puts us into a higher tax bracket. I have already fixed this and changed my status to "single" so that more taxes will be taken out. So maybe next year, we will get some $$ back. All in all I am happy.
1 year ago
$74!!! wow that is great :-)
[for some reason I'm having problems posting on your blog, I think it may be Blogger giving me the problems, not your site itself... hope this isn't a double post]
This was fine, I wonder what the problem is with posting? But you only posted once this time! And, by the way, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING. It's nice to know I have a friend out there!
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