Would someone be able to tell me why they list ads on their sidebars? Do they make $$ by doing this? As I search different financial blogs, I'm amazed to see all of the ads on the blogs. Some blogs have so many ads it's hard to find the actual writing!
And what is a "carnival"?
1 year ago
I do believe they get paid for those yes, based on how many visitors to the site and how many people click on those. I probably won't ever put those on my blog as I think it's clutters everything up and I like to keep mine neat.
As for the carnivals, it beats me! I've seen it mentioned a lot, but never been invited ;-)
I find it interesting that on financial blogs they are advertising all sorts of things to buy. Oh well. I will never put them on mine, as that is not my focus (to make money).
One does not get invited to a carnival--instead one toots one's own horn, so to speak, and submits posts to appropriate carnivals. Pretty much, anything you submit will get posted, unless there is no way to show it is on topic.
You can google for Carnival of Personal Fincance, Festival of Frugality and Carnival of Debt Reduction. There are a zillion other carnivals out there as well. It's a nice way to generate traffic to your blog.
Hi Sharon. Yes, bloggers get paid for having ads on their blog, usually based on traffic. A blog carnival is almost like an on line magazine. One blogger will host the carnival and link to all the bloggers that submitted articles to that carnival. The guidelines for submission to the Carnival of Personal Finance is: http://carnivalofpersonalfinance.com/submission/
It runs every Monday, hosted by a different blog each time. Carnivals are a great way to get exposure and traffic to your blog. They are also great to read! Hope that helps. :)
Thanks everyone! I'll have to look closer at the carnivals!
Sharon, you could put a few adsense ads on your sidebar. The money doesn't add up quickly...and you only receive a check when you reach $100. I find them minimally distracting...plus, you feel rewarded for your time. :)
Really, how do you do this?
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